National Bike to Work Day

Like last year, I didn’t ride to work on Lafayette’s designated Bike to Work Day, but I was able to ride today. While it was a little cold in the AM, the ride home was great on the newly documented Modified North Work Route.

What was weird is that I didn’t see any other bike commuters while I was riding. I usually do on the way home. There was one lady that I saw later while driving my daughter home from an after school event that seemed to be in work clothes. She was making some sort of arm signals to the car next to her at a stop sign, but I couldn’t tell if it was a friendly exchange or an angry berating for some personal space violation. (I’ve met with her on a couple of projects, and she seems pretty surly, so I’m guessing the later.)

Even though Wednesday’s weather kept me off the streets, I would not have participated in the Lafayette Bike to Work observance because I didn’t know about it. I’ve been watching the paper and the local bike club web page, and performing Google searches, but I found nothing about this year’s ride until today when I stumbled onto the League of American Bicyclists site at There is a listing of a gathering at the plaza downtown. Oddly, there was no press coverage on TV or in print that I saw afterwards.

Miles Ridden: 10.7

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