From the North

I had a break in my routine recently, and I wisely took advantage of the situation to turn it into a cycling opportunity.

Short story: I dropped my truck at my son’s apartment, taking my bike in the back, and then rode to work.

He lives a few miles north of town, so I saw this as a chance to take a different route to my office. The apartment complex is located along a busy divided highway, but luckily there is a wide shoulder for us pedal people. Actually a fairly low stress way to travel, even though it is a bit noisy.

Celery Bog Sunrise

At Cumberland Ave, I was able to jump onto the Cattail Trail, which runs along the edge of Celery Bog towards campus. The quiet scenery with the occasional runner is a big change from the cacophony of the highway.

The Cattail Trail is Closed

However, I found that the trail was closed at Lindberg where a long running construction project to build a bridge over the bog has raised the roadbed above the level of the trail. Haven’t heard yet how the trail will be routed once the project is complete.

365 #139 - Celery Bog

My detour took me down McCormick Rd and then onto Cherry Ln, where I encountered my first screaming motorist in quite a while. Not sure what the driver of this oncoming truck was saying, but I think it was “(something, something) trail right over there!”. He also gestured to the Cattail Trail running along the north side of the street. Since I was riding on the shoulder on the other side of the street, I am not sure why he was upset about me using the pavement (American definition) instead of the pavement (British definition). Whatever! I was having too much fun to care.

At the end of Cherry I flew down Northwestern Ave, stopping at Greyhouse Coffee for an iced tea latte and coffeecake. Breakfast of Champions.

Also, here are a couple of photos of bikes that have been languishing in my camera.

Tall Bike

Odd Seat

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