National Bike to Work Day

Like last year, I didn’t ride to work on Lafayette’s designated Bike to Work Day, but I was able to ride today. While it was a little cold in the AM, the ride home was great on the newly documented Modified North Work Route.

What was weird is that I didn’t see any other bike commuters while I was riding. I usually do on the way home. There was one lady that I saw later while driving my daughter home from an after school event that seemed to be in work clothes. She was making some sort of arm signals to the car next to her at a stop sign, but I couldn’t tell if it was a friendly exchange or an angry berating for some personal space violation. (I’ve met with her on a couple of projects, and she seems pretty surly, so I’m guessing the later.)

Even though Wednesday’s weather kept me off the streets, I would not have participated in the Lafayette Bike to Work observance because I didn’t know about it. I’ve been watching the paper and the local bike club web page, and performing Google searches, but I found nothing about this year’s ride until today when I stumbled onto the League of American Bicyclists site at There is a listing of a gathering at the plaza downtown. Oddly, there was no press coverage on TV or in print that I saw afterwards.

Miles Ridden: 10.7

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Granville Bridge and Back

Miles Ridden: 12.0

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Well, It Was Kind of Hot…

Nothing special today on the North Work Route.

Miles Ridden: 10.7

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Highland Park Bridge

I don’t really know if this bridge is named the Highland Park Bridge, or if it even has a name at all, but it is located in the historic Highland Park subdivision in Lafayette, IN. It crosses over a creek bed and is hidden between houses. Unless one is looking for it, it is easy to pass by and never notice it.

I’m thinking that maybe a former co-worker who lives nearby first told me about the bridge, and it’s been 7 or 8 years since I last visited. With their new high-res satellite photos, we can see it on Google Maps:

Click to View in Google Maps

For some reason, I was feeling nervous about taking a movie on what may be private property, so I went to the Tippecanoe County GIS site to view the property boundaries. Looks like we’re OK (although it’s unclear if anyone owns it).

Here’s the video of my crossing:

Miles Ridden: 19.0

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Are You Hungry?

I headed north on Sharon Chapel, Klondike, Taft, and Morehouse roads, then east on 600N to Harrison High School, and south on County Farm Road/Salisbury Street back to campus, and then back home.

X-mas Tree Field
X-mas Tree Field

Shortly before I arrived at the high school, I noticed that despite having breakfast, I was very hungry. The cereal bar that I had packed in the under-seat bag really hit the spot.

On campus, I rode around the fountain to see the families getting ready for Spring graduation. It’s pretty cool to see all of the proud parents, happy grads, and bored children all in their best outfits.

Miles Ridden: 18.9

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Round Two

I returned from my morning ride, grabbed a quick shower and breakfast, and then headed to work.

As I came home on the North Work Route, I remembered why it’s unnerving to ride the streets on Friday after work. Lots of close passing, speeding, running lights, and one cutoff right turn.

I still made it home safe.

Miles Ridden: 10.7

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Repeat Ride

Same as Wednesday.

Miles Ridden: 11.0

Calf on River Road

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Jacket Required

Jacket Required

I needed a sport coat at work today, so I neatly folded my favorite tweed and carefully placed it in my shopping bag pannier (read wadded it up and stuffed it in). I opted against wearing the tie on the ride in, but I did have it on when riding to a meeting and then to lunch. It was pretty hot coming back up the hill on Wood Street.

(BTW – Sgt. Preston’s STILL has no bike rack)

Miles Ridden: 13.8

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The Morning Train

I couldn’t get my headlight to work this morning, and the neighbor was without his rear blinkly light, so we formed a train on the Granville Bridge route.

Miles Ridden: 11.0

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Horses on River Road

Horse on River Road

For a change of pace I took the Wabash River Route (clockwise) home from work.

Horse on River Road

Miles Ridden: 12.6

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