Monthly Archives: August 2005

Lake Mendota

On this last day of my conference in Madison, WI, my goal was to take a long ride along the southwestern edge of Lake Mendota. It is too big to circle in my allotted time, but I could run up … Continue reading

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Lake Wingra

Today I headed southeast towards Lake Wingra. The route included the Southwest Commuter Bike Path (an old rail trail), the UW Arboretum, the Wingra Creek Bike Path, the John Nolan Bike Path, the Brittingham Park Bike Path, and a quick … Continue reading

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Lake Monona

My first ride in Madison, WI this morning was a trip around Lake Monona (counter-clockwise). I started on the John Nolan Bike Path, through Olin-Turville Park, along Waunona Way, down a very busy street, across Olbrich Park, past the convention … Continue reading

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Madison, WI

I’m driving up to Madison, WI for a conference today. The University car has a big trunk, so I am able to take my bike along. I noticed all of the great riding opportunities here last year, so I excited … Continue reading

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I Need to Ride to Work More

This story on CNN explains why Oregon hasn’t increased its percentage of obese residents like most of the country has: What makes Oregon different is its emphasis on urban design, which encourages outdoor activities like biking to work, the study’s … Continue reading

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Campus Tour – Plus Ladies Night

I wanted to ride to work today, but I had a meeting at the Ross Building at 8:30. For those of you not familiar with the Purdue campus, the Ross Building is across town from the rest of the campus, … Continue reading

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Llama Route

Lasting just over an hour (at least at my pace), this route rolls past a farm that allegedly houses several llamas. Since I’ve never seen them out when I go by, I’m going to have to take the word of … Continue reading

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Breaking Out of the Rut

As I mentioned on Friday, I need to find some new morning rides. Today, the neighbor and I combined some familiar roads in a new way to shake things up a bit. We started west on Division to north on … Continue reading

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Hot Bed

The reason I’ve had all of these TBD mileage totals is because I never recorded the distance of the Llama Route back on June 7. Today I followed the same route to determine the miles. As usual, there were no … Continue reading

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Where the Big Boys Play

The Granville Bridge Route and the River Road/Campus Route are two good before work routes since I can ride each in less than an hour. Unfortunately, I seem to be falling into a bit of a rut. (I could probably … Continue reading

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