Monthly Archives: December 2006

See Yesterday For Details

Another great day, so I rode to work and back – same as yesterday. There was one muppet (as Steve would say) today that was waiting on a side street to turn left, and pulled out in front of me. … Continue reading

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A Day So Nice, I Rode It Twice

Thirty-seven degrees, sunshine, little wind – a good day to ride to work. The ride in was remarkably uneventful, mostly because this is dead week on campus. There are no students and few employees, so the traffic at 7:50, which … Continue reading

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Eve Photo Tour

I had a tough time getting out today, as a nap was much more inviting. I slept for a while and didn’t get out until 4:00. On River RoadI basically followed the Wabash Avenue Route. I recently had noticed an … Continue reading

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Cyclist Fatality in Lafayette

A cyclist died this week in Lafayette after an early morning accident. There is no word yet on whether the driver was charged with any crime, but the evidence (as listed in the newspaper) is sketchy. The cyclist is blamed … Continue reading

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5 Things

I’ve been reading these things all over the web, and it’s finally my turn. Tom got me. My assignment is to post 5 things about myself that others may not know. Here goes: In high school, my friends and I … Continue reading

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Wanna Have Some Fun?

Watch the Year Round Biker ride to work and from work.

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Man’s Best Friend?

If had known it was going to be misting rain, I probably would have never left the garage. However, I had a good ride, and I’m kind of glad I went. This picture shows the overall gloominess of the day. … Continue reading

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Man’s Best Friend

I was was finally able to get out today! The neighbor and I took a quick ride before supper. The wind was stronger than the Weather Channel had predicted, so the ride west on Division and South on 700W was … Continue reading

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The Windy City

I’m in Chicago again for my yearly conference, and while I spent some time this morning on the recumbent in the hotel health club, I don’t think I’ll be getting many street miles in during my visit. It’s a little … Continue reading

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November 2006 Total

Miles This Month: 119.5 Miles November 2005: 52.9 2006 Total So Far: 1,475.3

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