Monthly Archives: January 2006

He’s a Good Friend of Mine

Note the Hodson’s Bay stickerI was faced with a very dirty bike this morning when I left to pick up my car at the shop. I’m going to have to clean it before taking it in for a spring tuneup. … Continue reading

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It’s Easy to Ride to Work When You Have No Car

My car’s in the shop again, and instead of hitching a ride with my wife, I decided to pedal it. I didn’t leave until after 8:00, after an unsuccessful turning upside down of the house to find biking shorts. Oh … Continue reading

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Last Minute Decision = Late Start = Short Ride

It was only after the Purdue/Indiana game today when I decided to ride. Since I didn’t leave until almost 5:00, I only had about an hour before sunset. I decided to take 400W up to Fat Ass Road*, and back … Continue reading

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Cruisin’ the Avenue

I was trying to come up with a title that somehow tied into the MLK Holiday, but none sounded right. (It’s much easier to come up with something cute about Arbor Day or Labor Day.) Regardless, today was a nice … Continue reading

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Wabash Avenue Route

I haven’t added a new route in a while, but I was looking for something to ride to the south in about an hour. So, I present the Wabash Avenue Route. Starting from the home base at Newman and Division … Continue reading

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I’ll Be Right Back

Last Sunday, I was driving to work around 9:00, and I saw a guy (presumably a student) park his 20″ bike in the middle of the sidewalk – far from the door – and run into Young Hall. I thought … Continue reading

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Trash Day

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Miracles Never Cease

Stormcrowe wasn’t the only one to ride today. I grabbed the camera and hit the road about 4:00 with the Weather Channel reporting 55°. With sunset just 90 minutes away, I opted for the Llama Route over any thing longer. … Continue reading

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Ross Hills Park

Windy DayToday was a nice sunny day for a ride. The temp was in the mid-40s, but as the flag at the Cooper place indicated, it was a little windy. I decided to head west into the wind and rode … Continue reading

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Fun with Comments

Wow! I’m not sure what’s worse: being called an ass or being compared to Bush spokesman. (See Comments)

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