Monthly Archives: August 2006

Dodging the Rain

Another Wet, Foggy Morning Miles Ridden: 14.0

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The Kids Are Back

The students are back on campus this week, and that also means the return of the bad example bikers. They’re speeding down the sidewalks, riding on the wrong side of the street, flying against the flow on one-way streets (with … Continue reading

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Pack Mule

I carried a few extra things to work today – folders from the office, lunch – so I used my canvas attache bag in addition to my pannier. My baggage and contents added 12 pounds. When I got in this … Continue reading

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Over the River

What a difference a small seat adjustment can make! The ride was much more comfortable than yesterday’s. I’m getting used to the new bike already. Boats on the WabashI rode to Lafayette and then up to the Wabash River bridge … Continue reading

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Maiden Voyage

I’ve been thinking about it and talking about it for a long time, and today was finally the day to buy a road bike. After talking with the guys at Hodson’s Bay Company, I decided on a Trek Pilot 1.0. … Continue reading

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Two Rides Today

I rode to work again today, and I came home on a slightly shorter version of the North Work Route – coming south on Klondike Road instead of 400W. Miles Ridden: 10.7 Horses in the EveningAfter supper, my kids and … Continue reading

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Horses in the MorningRode to work, rode to lunch, rode to a meeting, rode home on the North Work Route. Miles Ridden: 16.1

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Savin’ Big Money

Ran some errands today stopping at Menards and Marsh. Neither has a bike rack. Menards Has No Bike RackMiles Ridden: 15.1

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Evening Ride

I got a 2nd ride in today when the neighbor called me around 7:30. We took a reverse Montmorenci Route. Freshly Shorn LlamaMiles Ridden: 15.6

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Fixing the Car Again

Once again, my car needs some work done, so I threw the bike in the back and drove up to the parkway. After I handed over the keys, I jumped on the 2 wheeler and headed north on Yeager Road. … Continue reading

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