Monthly Archives: March 2006

I Talked Her Into It

The weather was nice, and the house was kid free, so my wife and I took a quick ride. We cycled west on Divsion Road and went north, then south on 350S. Coming back to Division, we went home. It … Continue reading

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First Excuse

It’s only March, and I’Â’m already making excuses why I can’t ride to work! And today is the best weather day so far this year. Pathetic!! I’ll list my reasons here, and you can judge for yourself: I need to … Continue reading

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A Special Ride

As I threatened yesterday, I rode the just purchased Specialized into work today. I wasn’t a great ride, but as always, I still felt good when I got in. The shoulder on SR26 becomes my bike laneThe bike is the … Continue reading

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Changing Tires

— WARNING – NEWBIE ALERT!! – WARNING — It’s true that I don’t have much experience or aptitude in mechanical matters. My auto service is done at a shop, and the same goes for the bike. However, I thought it … Continue reading

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I’m Impressed By …

… the old biking lady. I saw her today on the sidewalk, waiting for a bus to turn left. The driver was stopped, and had beeped the horn to indicate that she should cross the street, but she decided to … Continue reading

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I’m Impressed By …

… the West Lafayette wheelchair guy. I’ve seen him around every summer for the past five years I’ve lived and worked here. He looks to be in his late 50’s – barrel chested with a bit of a gut – … Continue reading

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All Riled Up

I was feeling pretty calm this morning, until I read an article linked to by Cycle Dog. In this Opinion column in the DCist, the author discusses his right to all of the privileges of an automobile on the roads, … Continue reading

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Quick Errand

I took a ride up to the Evil Empire to get trash bags and food for supper. As usual, I took the long way. The weather was perfect. So, I’m sitting at a red light, and there is no traffic … Continue reading

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Drivers Don’t Want to Kill You

Surfing around today, I came upon the BikingToronto site and his 8 Secrets to Cycling in Traffic. The first 5 are published so far, and they are rules that every cyclist should follow. BONUS: As I wandered through the site, … Continue reading

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Back on the Avenue

The weather man was reporting much rain today, so I didn’t think much about riding. As the morning went on, the sun came out and the menacing blob of green and yellow on the radar had dissipated. I went to … Continue reading

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