Monthly Archives: September 2006

And Then, the Weather Turned…

I actually had two rides today. I took the van in for service, so I tossed the bike in the back. I rode from the mechanic on the Levee to my office, and then later to a meeting on the … Continue reading

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Another Ride to Work Day

Swans in the Celery Bog Miles Ridden: 14.9

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Crazy Biker Manifesto

Tanya says it well. BTW, I pulled a dumb move on my ride the other day. The neighbor and I came upon a 2-way stop out in the country with him in the lead. I started scanning for cross traffic … Continue reading

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Nice Morning

The neighbor and I met at 7:15, just as the sun was coming up, and headed west. We ended up hitting County Line Road and turned north to Otterbein. From there we took 500N to 375W/400W, heading south back home. … Continue reading

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Another Gloomy Day

The rain held off long enough after the game for me to get an hour in. I headed towards West Point, and made it as far as 200S before turning around. Miles Ridden: 13.2 The Corn is About Ready

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Alternative Transportation Day

The neighbor and I took another pre-7:00, in-the-dark ride to work along River Road today. This time, his headlight gave out shortly after we started, so we relied on the headlights of the cars behind us to light our way. … Continue reading

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What Do They Think?

So, when I see someone riding on the sidewalk, I think “what an idoit!”. When they see me on the street, do they think “that guy is insane!”

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Mental Health Ride

After some issues at work, trouble with traffic, and lip from the kids, I really needed a ride tonight. The neighbor and I rode a slightly abbreviated Montmorenci Route. I was in the mood to roll, and I left him … Continue reading

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Miles Ridden: 22.2 Tandem seen in WL

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Is It Safer Riding in the Dark?

The neighbor and I rode to work this morning leaving at 6:45. Man! It is still all the way dark here before 7:00! We had all of our lights going, include my Bikelights, several blinkies, and his outrageously bright headlight. … Continue reading

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