Monthly Archives: June 2008

Late Ride

It was a normal commute today, but since I had to work late, the ride home was a grumpy one. Miles Ridden: 9.4

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NITE Ride 2008

Watching the Race in the VelodromeI’ve been looking forward to the 2008 NITE Ride (Navigate Indy This Evening) for a while. I was able to talk the neighbor and his wife to come along, so it looked to be a … Continue reading

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Sunrise on the Wabash

There was rain and t-storms forecast for today, so I’m glad I rode before work instead of to work. We ended up having several doozies come through, including one at quittin’ time. Miles Ridden: 9.0 P.S. I saw my first … Continue reading

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Leisurely Ride Around Campus

Wheat Field in the Morning My normal to and from work, plus I rode to band practice across campus. It’s relaxing to take a slow ride between the red brick and limestone buildings – no traffic, few pedestrians. Miles Ridden: … Continue reading

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Monday Commute

There and back. Miles Ridden: 7.1

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Chased by the Rain

I need to watch the Weather Channel a little better so that I can get out on my rides before the storms come. It wasn’t until I was about as far away from my house that I could be on … Continue reading

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More Rain

My ride was cut short by rain this morning (when the TV Weather Guy says that the rain will come between 1pm and 7pm, wouldn’t you expect to ride dry at 11am?), but I still got a little time in. … Continue reading

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Watchin’ Out for Lester

Can you believe I didn’t ride yesterday? This week has presented one perfect riding day after another, and I somehow got too busy on my day off work to get out. Not today. I hit the road around 9:30. Beautiful … Continue reading

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A Different Kind of Bad Driver

It looked like today would be a commute so similar to the others this week, but there was a difference. The muppet of the day was another cyclist! I was riding east on State St approaching a green light at … Continue reading

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Another Great Commuting Day

This week’s weather has been perfect for riding – mid 50s in the morning and mid 70s after work. The NW wind has been a little strong in the evening, but that’s a good thing for training, right? Today was … Continue reading

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