Monthly Archives: April 2012

30 Days of Biking – Day 19: On Your Feet, Or On Your Knees

Normal commute today, but three days in a row of riding to work has taken its toll on my knees.  In fact, I had a tough time walking down the stairs at lunch time. After talking with my wife, I … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 18: Round and Round

Got a better look of the new roundabout at the intersection of Harrison, Jischke, and Nimitz.  there is still much landscaping and sidewalk work to do, but the roadway is already in action. On the north side of Harrison, I … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 17: Some Sort of Bike Riding Dandy

Since I had a building dedication to attend today, I dressed up a little more than usual – slacks, dress shirt, argyle sweater vest, shiny black shoes, and my brown plaid cap. I was the best dressed bike commuter this … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 16: Shortest Ride Ever

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30 Days of Biking – Day 13: On the Banks of the Wabash

With rain forecast for this evening, I left work a few minutes early to fit in a bike ride. Rode by the Fort again (took the route clockwise today – wild and crazy!) and decided to take a look at … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 12: South of this Pot

Rode by the Fort tonight. This county park hosts many events, including the Feast of the Hunters’ Moon, a reenactment of a 1750’s French trading post.  My wife and I participate – she demonstrates and sells gourd art, and I … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 11: What a Difference an Hour Makes

Tonight I was able to get out at 8:30 instead of my 9:30 ride from the other day. And it was still light enough to see. Inspired me to go around the circle a few more times. Nelson was going … Continue reading

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30 Days of Biking – Day 9: Forgot My Lock

It seems that the best way for me to get out for a commute ride to work is to: Offer my daughter the use of my truck for school that day Get up too late for my wife to drop … Continue reading

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Commuter Profile

I ran across this article from 2007. My answers would be about the same today. Commuter Profile: Dan Gentry

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30 Days of Biking – Day 8: No Streetlights

It was a busy day, so never really found time to get out. At 7pm, on a Sunday, my wife decided we needed a new refrigerator. Menards was still open, so we headed out to pick one up. As always, … Continue reading

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