I was was finally able to get out today!
The neighbor and I took a quick ride before supper. The wind was stronger than the Weather Channel had predicted, so the ride west on Division and South on 700W was a little tough.
As we were stopped at the top of a hill waiting for traffic to pass before turning around, we noticed three cyclists coming towards us at a pretty quick rate. They asked how we were doing as they passed. We followed them back north, and I remembered how much my size and weight help me on downhills (just as they impede me on uphills). With the tailwind and the downward slope, I left the neighbor in the dust – pedaling in the top gear with little effort. Still, the three cyclists were quickly becoming specs on the horizon.
The clouds and the lateness of the hour conspired to make things darker than usual. I put away the sunglasses and fired up the blinky light.
When I arrived home, this little guy was waiting to greet me.

Miles Ridden: 11.7