Pick Up the Car

My car has been in the shop, and it was due to be completed today. I rode into work with the neighbor, along the usual route.

Since I had a meeting at the Ross-Ade Pavilion in the morning, I took a quick ride up there. Last year, I was scolded for parking my bike the hallway near the meeting room. (There are no bike racks anywhere near the building, and I’m not leaving my ride in a Cary Quad rack.) Today, I took the bike into the conference room with me, and had no comments.

[Ross-Ade Stadium loading dock]

After work, I headed up to Gilliland Motors on Sagamore Parkway. It was a quick ride up Grant and Salisbury, with a quick run across the parking lots at Goodwill and Burger King to the crossing near the garage. (I had no urge to ride along the highway.)

The bike is still in the trunk.

Miles Ridden: 3.5 + 2 + ??? 8.0
Total This Year: TBD 367

I tried to take a picture today to spice up the entry, but the battery picked that moment to die. I may have to go out this weekend and take a bunch to fill out these recent posts.

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