Despite the cool temps and windy conditions, I decided it was time to try out my new cold weather jersey and tights, so I headed west on Division Road.
The headwind was kind of strong, but I was temperature comfortable in my new cycling togs. I was getting a little tired, but I new there would be a nice tailwind on the return. It wasn’t until I was near the top of Indian Creek Hill (‘Alpe du Kerber’ is painted on the asphalt), when I really felt the energy being sapped from my legs. And then, the hiccups started.

I’ve been susceptible to hiccups in the fall and winter for a long time. I think it has something to do with cold air in my lungs, and maybe fall and winter allergies. Regardless, once they start, it takes a long time for them to stop.
I ended up walking up the last 200 feet of the hill trying to catch my breath while barking like a croup afflicted retriever. After waiting at the top for several minutes for them to stop, I decided to continue west hoping I would eventually get back to normal breathing. I didn’t.
At the county line, I turned back and had a nice ride with the wind. Pedaling in the tops gears was nearly effortless, and I made it back home in record time.
The hiccups didn’t stop for five more hours.
Miles Ridden: 15.4
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