I didn’t have much time this morning for a ride, so I decided on the quick River Road/Campus Route.
Like most mornings, there were several cars and trucks zooming past on River Road. While I was in the hills and curves section of the route, one car came up behind me and flashed his brights. My first thought was “What the $&#% does that mean?” Does he want me to pull off for a second (keeping in mind that there is no shoulder, right lane, or sidewalk)? Maybe he’s just saying hi? Could it be that he feels that he has a God given right to drive as fast as he wishes, and that I need to get my goddamn slow moving, blinky lighted, gas saving, Al Gore inspired, lycra clad pansy ass off his $*#*##%^ road!
Whew! It’s cool how I can read the minds of the drivers.
Anyway, I just kept pedaling, and he passed me in a huff of excessive acceleration about five seconds later.

Running low on time, I skipped the Ross-Ade Stadium portion of the route and headed home.
Miles Ridden: 8.4
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