With these early Spring days that are either cold and wet, windy and cold, or -um- windy and wet, I feel that I need to take advantage of every warm, dry, slightly breezy day that comes along. Today was such a day, and even though my schedule was rather tight, I was able to grab an hour for a quick ride to the bridge and a little beyond.

On this nice, sunny day, I wasn’t the only one out for a ride. I saw many cyclists, including kitted up roadies and casually dressed 50 somethings. Others included several motorcycle riders, people in convertables, and a small group of teens on step-through scooters. Also, when I stopped at the top of a hill, these two horsemen came out of the trees and followed the side of the road to the north.

I hope to get a few days like this when my vacations starts later in the week.
Miles Ridden: 11.5
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