With a southwest wind already blowing at 9:30, I decided to head west and south to West Point. Then I headed east and north on some roads I’ve never ridden before (500S, 500W, and SR25). Here’s the route:

Just over the Granville Bridge, I saw a gathering of greyhounds. There were about 10 dogs and seven or eight people in a fenced field behind a house where I had seen a couple of greyhounds before. These dogs were wearing muzzles and running around the field having fun. We used to have a couple of greyhounds, and I remember how much they loved seeing others of their kind. They acted differently with greyhounds than they did with other dogs.
On 700W, as Spanish company has planted a couple of fields of black walnut trees. They are growing them for hardwood, so it will take at least 30 years (or maybe more, not sure) before they can harvest. Those are some patient investors!
East of West Point, I saw a pothole wetland. surrounded by trees and bushes. The bushes haven’t leafed out yet, so I had a good view of it.
The 5MPH wind from the beginning of the ride had turned into 15MPH with 25MPH gusts by the second half. Lucky for me, I was heading north for most of that time, so my speed was pretty good.
Miles Ridden: 24.0
I’ll have to do three times that much EACH DAY of the RAGBRAI in July. I’d better get to training!