It’s been another good month, with a total of 335.5 miles. That compares to 102.7 last year, and 194.2 in 2005.
Since I’m halfway through the year (as are most of you), I’d like to review my goals for the year. Back in January, I stated my targets for different kinds of rides, and today I should be halfway through each total. Let’s see:
For commutes, my goal calls for 25, and the actual number is 32. I’ve been trying hard to ride as much as possible, and it seems to be paying off. And this is the one I was worried about! Unfortunately, my schedule in July doesn’t allow for much riding to work, so I’ll have to be extra aggressive in the fall.
Utility rides have been a little tougher. The goal calls for 10 by now, and my total so far is just 5 – and all but one are in June. The good part is that I haven’t been driving the car as much either, so maybe I’ve just cut down on errands. Anyway, this could be a difficult goal to meet.
Finally, the morning rides are doing better than I thought. The neighbor and I have our lights and reflective vests, so we’ll likely get one or two in each week through the end of September – before it gets too dark in the AM. The goal calls for 7.5 morning rides for the first half of the year, and my total so far is 14. That puts me just one away from the goal! (I think I low balled it!) I should try for 30 by the end of the year.
This navel gazer post has probably been a huge bore for the rest of you, but I love the numbers!
UPDATE: One more batch of useless facts: My total miles so far this year is 980.3, with 384.9 on the Trek 820 and 570.1 on the Trek Pilot 1.0. Interestingly, each bike was used 36 times – half of the total rides.