Trip Around West Lafayette

I spent the morning with my wife shopping at the Farmers’ Market in Lafayette and doing other errands. This was after an early morning dog walk in the downtown area.

Rolled Up
I Still Don’t Know What These Things Are Called

Luckily, I was able to make up an errand to run after lunch, and I rode to Wally World. I was either on a quiet country road, or had a bike lane, pedestrian path, or wide shoulder on which to ride, which made it a relaxing time.

Rough Rail Crossing Ahead

I headed north on 350W/325W to SR26, east to Klondike Road, north to Lindberg Road, east to the Cattail Trail, and north to the Evil Empire.

Ducks at the Celery Bog
Ducks at the Bog

Coming home, I took the Trail down to Cherry Lane, McCormick Road, SR26, and Newman Road.

Cattail Trail is Open
The Cattail Trail is Finally Open – Two Months After the Scheduled Date

Miles Ridden: 11.6

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