I’ve awoken to thunderstorms the past three mornings, which have put the kibosh on both pre-work rides and commutes. Instead, I’ve been prepping for next week’s RAGBRAI ride.
Mostly, I’ve been making lists and thinking about things, but it’s time now to get things ready to go. I’m going to put everything in a big pile, and then see what fits into the panniers. I have a feeling that I’ll be leaving some things behind.
Yesterday, I picked up the Pilot from the bike shop, where he received a nice tune-up. Also, they added a rear rack to hold the panniers, tent, sleeping bag, etc. I took a spin around the parking lot to check things out (the brakes are better now then they ever have been), and I promptly greased the right pant leg of my Dockers. Talk about a nasty rookie ring!
Anyway, it looks dry for tomorrow, so I’ll try again in the morning.
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