I wrote earlier how I like the idea of vehicular cycling (where cyclists take their place on the streets the same as cars), but I’ve also been trying to reduce my stress level by staying out of the way of cars when possible. While I have no problem “taking the lane” when necessary (because I’m not riding on the sidewalk or in the gutter), I’m more likely now than before to take a bike lane or path when offered.
However, sometimes things happen that make me rethink my bike lane strategy. As I was riding home today, a car came up on my left and turned right onto a side street – cutting me off in the process. I probably wasn’t in grave danger, but it was a little too close for me. If I had been in the lane, that wouldn’t have happened. When I read about how bike lanes and paths can invite accidents, it’s easy to agree.
Anyway, the rest of the ride was nice, so let’s talk about that.
I took the usual route in, and the North Work Route home. During the day, I rode to a training class in Discovery Park, and to the dedication of the new Class of ’79 High Ropes Course.
Man! Those ropes are high! The course will be offered to groups for recreation and team building. I hope my team never has that idea. There is NO WAY I’m getting up there.
I’m loving this warm, dry October weather. November is going to come too soon.
Miles Ridden: 15.7