I had a tough time getting out today. I couldn’t find my bike lock or one of my gloves, and I finally gave up. My wife (hi honey!) said that once I got out, I would be glad I went, but I thought I just wanted to say that I went. See, I’ve been reading blogs by people who have either almost or entirely given up on cars (see the new blogroll on the right). I’m not in a place (location or situation) where I can do that, but I do like to try once and a while to replace a drive with a ride. Today, I needed milk and spray starch from the store, and I was craving root beer. I finally got out the door by 2:30.

Newman Road
Pretty nice weather today. The sunny and in the mid 50s (285 K) with a SSW with at around 14 mph gusting to 25. The grocery store is NE of my house, so that meant a headwind on the way home.

Cattail Trail near Purdue Golf Course
You’ve read before how I like the Cattail Trail, and I rode part of the trail today. However, as it passes Wally World on Cumberland Ave, the trail crosses both of the entrance roads for the mega-store. This is probably the most dangerous part of the trail, especially from cars leaving the parking lot. For this stretch, I jump out into the lane when it is clear.

West Lafayette Marsh Grocery Store
I reached the Marsh store without incident, and my bike wasn’t stolen as it sat unlocked next to the Blue Rhino propane tank exchange cage. Next, it was on to the nearby BP convenience store where I picked up 2 one quart bottles of Dog N Suds Root Beer.
Coming home, I felt the wind as expected, but it wasn’t too bad. I just took my time.

Wasn’t This Tree in Poltergeist?
You know, my wife was right – I was glad that I went.
Miles Ridden: 14.6
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