I wasn’t able to get out yesterday with Tom, but today presented an early morning opportunity for a quick ride. It was a little chilly, so I got to try out my 20th wedding anniversary present from my wife – a cycling jacket. It did such a great job of blocking the wind, that I had to take it off about 20 minutes in.

I took this self portrait by balancing my new Sony Cyber-shot on a pipe coming out of the ground (probably a marker for the natural gas line), fired up the 10 second self-timer, and ran back to the bike to line up for the shot. Not bad if I say so myself.
My route took me north on 400W: east on 500N: south on 75W, Soldiers’ Home Road, and Happy Hollow Road; and south and west on River Road. There was little traffic and plenty of sunshine. Also, I had loaded up the MP3 player with a couple of podcasts and three songs. What better tunes to try out a new toy than Crazy In Love by Beyonce and Jay-Z (“History in the making, part 2!”), Little Red Light by Fountains of Wayne, and Do It For The Kids by Velvet Revolver. Yes, I wear the eclectic badge proudly.

I passed the new Lauren Lakes subdivision, and noticed how boxy the homes look. While I wouldn’t call them McMansions, they do look pretty large. The bad part is that the fronts look massive with huge garage doors and fake pillars, but the sides and back are flat expanses of vinyl siding and Pella windows. Plus, they are very close together. I may have a somewhat modest house, but I’ll take my quiet wooded neighborhood anyday.
Speaking of new stuff, I’m going to half to do something different to stop the squeak in my bike seat. I had asked the guys at Hodsons Bay to take a look at it, and I’m guessing now that they just tightened it really tight, because it was back to its old noisy self about 30 minutes into today’s ride. I’ll ask them to order new parts as needed.
Miles Ridden: 21.1
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