Finally, a good day for a bike ride!
I had planned to just wander around the roads of unincorporated Wabash Township for an hour or so, but I ended up heading into West Lafayette and across campus.

Where the Cattail Trail loops behind the cemetery, we pass the storage area for the burial crypts.

This is the Ross Building where the OnePurdue team is housed, and where I have meetings every week or two.

The portion of the Cattail Trail between Lindberg and Cherry has been closed since last fall. The construction work on Cherry Street has just finished, but I predict it will be a couple of weeks before they re-pave the trail.
On the way home, I rode around campus while Spring Fest was wrapping up. They had a good crowd today after the near rain out yesterday.
Miles Ridden: 16.2
After the ride, I went to the LBS for some chain lube, and I found that they were having their Super Sale weekend. I ended up with a frame mountable pump, 3 tubes (for $9.99), two Team Discovery water bottles, and two different types of lube. I love sales!
(Not sure why I was in a black and white mood today.)