I took these cupcakes into work today. When I left the house, I had them balanced on a diagonal to minimize the movement of the cakes. However, at arrival, I found the plastic box completely vertical. Most of the cakes had jumped/fallen out of their protective cup holders and smashed together at one end. Check out the one on the right where I had to reapply the frosting that had been stuck to the bottom of his neighbor’s cup. A knife would have been nice, but my right index finger did the trick (don’t tell my co-worker that ate that one).
This was my first ride after retrieving the bike from his third trip to the shop. They replaced the cassette hub using parts from the back – no charge! I just don’t see how these guys make money. It is now working great – no TING sound anymore.
Miles Ridden: 11.8 (estimated)
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