Cable Store

With more wonderful weather today, I decided to perform my errands by bike.  First was a quick visit to Greyhouse Coffee for a Bulldog Root Beer and some web surfing.  The bike racks near the shop were full, so I had to find a place down the street.

full bike racks

Bike Racks Outside Greyhouse Coffee

Next, I rode across the river to the downtown bus depot to catch a ride to the east side of town. As I waited for the 11:15, I noticed families dressed in green walking to the parking lot.  It was then I realized that I had just missed the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade over the Myers Pedestrian Bridge.  Maybe next year.

bike leaning on a bench at the bus stop

Waiting on the 1A

Maybe taking the bus up the big hill is a cop out, but I enjoyed the ride – and the rest.

front of the bus with a view of my bicycle handlebars on the bike rack outside

Look! I'm Multi-Modal!

Not surprised to find out that there is no bike rack at the Comcast office.  After leaning the bike on the window (so I could watch it from inside) I took my place in line.  The new digital cable box I picked up was smaller than expected, and it fit easily in my pannier briefcase along with my laptop.

A quick stop at Jethro’s BBQ brought me a tasty lunch, including my 2nd root beer of the day – a TripleXXX.

pulled pork sandwich with slaw on the side

Pulled Pork Sandwich at Jethro's

Next stop was Lowe’s hardware – about two blocks to the north.  The intersection of Creasy and South streets is a busy intersection, and there are no special facilities for cycling.  However, a vehicular cyclist like myself has no problem taking his lane and getting where he needs to go.

I picked up a paint scraper and some light bulbs.  These two items fit in my grocery sack pannier with the bike lock and some other stuff.

two panniers hooked to the back rack

Cargo Safely Stowed - With Room to Spare.

Heading home I had no problem riding down the same hill that the bus helped me up.  Too bad I always seem to hit the red light at the bottom.

salem street hill

Downhill on Salem Street

Riding the final leg on South River Road, I started feeling the sunburn on my arms, and the week’s worth of riding in my legs, along with a strong thirst in my mouth.  Apparently, two root beers isn’t enough liquid for this long of a ride! A lesser man would have made the call for a pickup, but I instead decided to tough out the last five miles.

I have declared this ride a success, and I look forward to many more this year.

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