Monthly Archives: May 2006

Caught a Window

There were a couple of hours this afternoon without rain – something we haven’t seen in a while. I was able to get out on the bike and log some miles. However, before I started, I had to reattach my … Continue reading

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It’s pretty late in the season, but today was my first before work ride. I took the quick Granville Bridge Route. Another first – this was the first time I really used my Electrodynamic Bikelights. I installed them way back … Continue reading

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The Long Way Home

Rode to work today, and took the North Work Route home. A south wind was pushing me along quite well, so I kept going north on the extension route. As you can expect, I had quite the headwind coming back … Continue reading

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Hey Look! Tom’s in the Paper UPDATE: Here’s the text in case Gannett takes it down… Letters to the Editor How not to be a street pizza Situational awareness is always necessary if you are going to ride a bike in traffic. The best method … Continue reading

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Sunday on the Avenue

I only had an hour to ride today, so I decided to take a modified Wabash Avenue Route. I turned it around and rode clockwise, plus I avoided the entire campus area by using River Road both outbound and inbound. … Continue reading

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Hardware Ride

There are only four streets/roads that I try my best to avoid, and the new Home Depot in Lafayette is at the intersection of two of them – Sagamore Parkway (US52) and South Street (SR26). Both are divided, 4-lane, urban … Continue reading

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Enjoying Nature

I came home from work today on the South Work Route. I usually find Fridays to be a little stressful with all of the auto commuters in a hurry to start the weekend. However, after I left US231 and started … Continue reading

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No More Mutants

These calves ran away from me when I whipped out the camera I rode to work and took the North Work Route home. On Lindberg Road I noticed that the Ginormous Baby Ducks sign has been taken down and replaced. … Continue reading

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Is That Guy Talking To Us?

It was wet and a little rainy this morning, but I came home from work to beautiful weather – 70s, light SW wind, sunny. I hopped on the bike and rode the Granville Bridge Route plus a little bit south … Continue reading

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